Sunday, November 29, 2009

Taverna Kylades

This is without a doubt the most amazing Greek food I have ever had. It is hard to find words to describe a dinning experience as amazing as this was but I'll give it a try. I was excited about coming to this restaurant before I even arrived. Apparently, this is the only place some Greek people will eat out at. On the car ride there my brother-in-law was describing their generous iPhone sized feta cheese on salad and my mouth was already salivating as I ran to the door. Unfortunately, there was a 45 minute wait but that was no problem because we were given free drink tickets for their bar down the block which was a nice classy and low key kind of place. When they finally called to tell me that our table was ready, I literally raced to the restaurant and for those of you who do not know, I do NOT enjoy running but this was worth it.
Once we ordered, the food just kept coming to the table without any wait. First they served us the Yogurt, Garlic and Cuccumber Dip which was fortunate because we were already on our second bread basket by then. Spooning it into my mouth, I felt as if there was an explosion of yogurt and lemon, then the fire was put out by a smooth cucumber. As soon as this platter was veering on empty, the legendary peasant salad came out which did have more feta than promised. It was delicious however there was no lettuce in it which always throws old fashioned me off in a "salad" plate. Then the fried cheese came out. This tasted so magnificent I had to close my eyes while I ate it.
For my main course, I split the lamb chops with my brother-in-law. They were very tasty however slightly overpowering. There was a bit too much pepper which took away from the fine sweetness that I know as lamb. It made me feel rustic to eat. Accompanying the main course were sides of roasted lemon potatoes and steamed dandelions. The potatoes tasted like candy, but not the kind of candy that makes you feel tired and guilty but the kind of sweet candy that makes you feel like the world is a good place. The steamed dandelions were a little disappointing because I enjoy eating actual flowers and not just their stems. The presentation would have been a little nicer had they included the petals but I may just be saying that because I would have like to eat them for their digestive properties. Any digestive aid would have been helpful after that meal.
The one minus- they were out of baklavah by the time we ordered desert.

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